Day 89 - 89e jour d'école - Healthy Hunger Special Lunch Tomorrow

Hello families,

Our ultimate goal as teachers and parents is to raise lifelong readers.

On Thursday, February 6th at 6:30 pm, parents are invited to Varsity’s first Literacy Night.

Parents and guardians are invited to join teacher Mme Jennifer McCann for a session covering how children learn to read, what the current research tells us is most effective and important, and how to best support your child.  A question and answer period will follow.

Although this presentation is best suited for parents with students in K-3, anyone is welcome to attend.

Please register online: if you are able to attend.  We ask families to please arrange childcare and that only adults attend.  Thanks!

Dear Parents & Guardians,

École Varsity Acres has once again partnered with Jostens, Canada’s largest creator and distributor of school yearbooks, to produce a yearbook this year for all students. Yearbooks will be sold for $15.00 per copy starting today, Monday, January 20th until Friday, January 31st 2020. The purchase of a yearbook is optional.  If you choose to to purchase one, please complete the payment on your PowerSchool account.  Once the fee has been paid, you will be able to print your own receipt if you desire.  Our school yearbook will help build pride and community for our students with memories to last a lifetime. Thank you for your support and we look forward in sharing our school yearbook with you and your family. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact M. Daniel McKenna at or at (403) 777-6090.

Aujourd'hui, it was the second last day of gymnastics and if you want to go onto the Canadian Climber you have to wear something that doesn't have a hood on it et Will was the étoile du jour et Will picked le numéro sept et we had musique et we did weaving (our snowmen scarves) et we did mathématiques et you had to circle a number that was plus grand que 39. -Sammy
Aujourd'hui, c'est Will qui est l'étoile du jour et we did calendrier et we did dîner et une collation et le numéro du jour est 89 et Will a pigé le numéro sept et les mathématiques was something that was plus grand que 39. -Jack
Aujourd'hui, on a fait les mathématiques et Will est l'étoile du jour et on a fait le numéro sept et c'est 89ième jour d'école et c'est le jour deux et on a tissé les foulards. -Addy
Aujourd'hui,  c'est Will qui est l'étoile du jour et on a fait le numéro sept. -Hannah
Aujourd'hui, c'est Will qui est l'étoile du jour et we did mathématiques et Will a pigé le numéro sept. -Sarah
Will was the étoile du jour aujourd'hui and we had snack recess and lunch recess and today we did the number sept et we weaved (our scarves) et we did gymnase et musique et today's (day) eighty nine. -Maddy
Aujourd'hui, on a fait mathématiques et c'est Will qui est l'étoile du jour et we did tisser les foulards.-Alexis 
We did tisser les foulards. -Marlo 
We had lunch and snack. -Haya
Aujourd'hui, nous avons fait le numéro sept et nous avons fait le calendrier et aujourd'hui nous avons fait les mathématiques et une collation et Will est l'étoile du jour. -Halle


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